One-Day 10 Challenges to Service Bootcamp Zoom Group Sept. 23rd, 2023 9am - 1pm (ET)
September 23, 2023 @ 9:00AM — 1:00PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)
One-Day Group Zoom Bootcamp - 10 Challenges to Service.
Register for the One-Day 10 Challenges to Service Zoom Bootcamp. Sept. 23rd, 2023 9am - 1pm (ET) No need to be a Veteran. Everyone is welcome.
Join us for live Zoom GROUP Bootcamp - 10 Challenges to Service.
Accelerated ONE-DAY course on Sept. 23rd, 2023 9am - 1pm (ET)
After this workshop, you will have the option of becoming a Mentor.
This course is FREE. We require a $25.00 deposit that is refundable, after all 10 Challenges are complete. If you drop out, or don't show up, or don't complete all 10 challenges, the deposit is forfeited as a donation. If you are not able to finish the challenges after the course, you will have a couple weeks to work with a mentor to finish things up. If you want to pay it forward by leaving the deposit as a donation after you complete the full course, let us know.
Note: If you have already completed the 10 Challenges to Service via Zoom or Online, you are welcome to take it again as a refresher. Just taking on the challenges can be life changing.
On Sept. 23rd, 2023 9am - 1pm (ET), you will be guided through a set of challenges by our training director, Ron Newhouse, along with a couple of our other mentors. You will receive a workbook of the 10 Challenges to Service prior to the class to complete ahead of time and to discuss during the Zoom course.
Once you complete all "10 Challenges to Service", you will receive a certificate of completion from The Long Walk Home, Inc. The first 9 Challenges will be discussed in a group during the zoom course and the 10th Challenge is a post-survey that will be distributed after the course.
Becoming a mentor for The Long Walk Home and assisting Veterans and their families involves a few steps. First, you must undertake the "10 Challenges to Service." Following this, you'll need to attend a 2-hour Zoom training session and support a mentee under the supervision of an experienced mentor. Upon successfully completing these tasks, you'll receive a certification as a mentor with our organization. Even if you choose not to pursue mentoring further, we kindly ask you to complete a post-challenge survey, as this data is crucial for program improvement and securing funding for the organization.
The one-day course starts promptly at 9:00am (ET)
Sept. 23rd, 2023.
What is the Mentorship Program?
Our mentorship Program provides personalized guidance for Veterans and their families, keeping them engaged and empowered in the transition from Military to Civilian life. Changing Warriors into Leaders.
The "10 Challenges to Service" is the 1st step to making a shift to empowerment by being of service. This is accomplished through challenges and extensive networking to direct people to the proper services. It's not necessary to be a Veteran to help. Family and friends also need empowerment and mentoring.
Mentorship Requirements:
- Complete all 10 Challenges to Service & receive a certificate of achievement.
- Take the advanced class on Zoom.
- Mentor at least one person under the supervision of another mentor OR lead the squad on Zoom group.
- Send in biography & photo.
This program is known to save lives.
Best wishes and enjoy your self-development!
This One-day workshop has no charge other than the refundable deposit. Refunds will be given after all 10 challenges are complete.
If you prefer a self-paced online course for completing the 10 Challenges and becoming a Mentor, email us at